Getting Started

This module is my attempt at creating a utility for searching multiple web-based torrent trackers quickly. Essentially it allows the user to specify a search query and yields standardized torrent objects from multiple different web-based torrent trackers asynchronously.

This is accomplished by leveraging the scrapy package to perform advanced web-scraping in parallel.


Torvend is available on PyPi. So you can easily install the torvend package with the following command:

pip install --user torvend

This will install the Torvend package as well as give you access to the embeded command line utility!


If you do not have access to the torvend command line utility after using the above command, make sure that the ~/.local/bin/ directory is included in your $PATH environment varaible.


Torvend requires Python 3.5+! If you haven’t yet started using Python 3, you should definitely start since many projects are fully dropping support for Python 2.7.

Command Line

Using Torvend from the command line is quick and easy. The command line tool should be able to be accessed by simply executing torvend in a shell.


You can check if torvend is available by first just running torvend in your shell.

$ torvend

 /         \    _____                              _
|oo      oo8|  |_   _|                            | |
|88888888888|    | | ___  _ ____   _____ _ __   __| |
 \888888888/     | |/ _ \| '__\ \ / / _ \ '_ \ / _` |
  /`-----'\      | | (_) | |   \ V /  __/ | | | (_| |
 |  | | |  |     \_/\___/|_|    \_/ \___|_| |_|\__,_|
 |  |(/)|  |
 |  |[_]|  |    A set of torrent vendor scrapers (by Stephen Bunn)

Usage: torvend [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

You can view the help text by passing either the -h or --help flags to torvend.

$ torvend --help
Usage: torvend [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  The command-line interface to the Torvend framework.


      torvend list           - (lists available spiders)
      torvend search "query" - (uses spiders to search for torrents)

  --color / --no-color  Enable pretty colors  [default: True]
  -q, --quiet           Disable spinners
  -v, --verbose         Enable verbose logging
  --version             Show the version and exit.
  -h, --help            Show this message and exit.

  list    Lists available spiders
  search  Searches for torrents

You can also checkout the Command Line reference documentation.

Listing Spiders

You can list the available spiders by executing the list command. This will iteratively output a spiders name followed by the supported domains of that spider.

$ torvend list
thepiratebay (,

These spider names are the names you can use in the search command to allow or ignore certain spiders.

Searching for Torrents

You can search for torrents using the spiders through the search command. The most simple method of searching for torrents is to simply specify a query to the command.

This will first search and display several torrents (sorted by most seeders) and prompt you to select which torrent’s magnet link you want open.

$ torvend search "my query"
 0 ➜ 1234123412341234123412341234@thepiratebay My Query Torrent (1234, 1)
[select torrent]: 0
opening magnet for My Query Torrent from thepiratebay ... ✔

This will open the selected magnet link in whatever bittorrent client on your machine is configured to handle magnet links.

If instead you want to copy the magnet to your clipboard, simply pass the --copy flag to the search.

$ torvend search "my query" --copy
 0 ➜ 1234123412341234123412341234@thepiratebay My Query Torrent (1234, 1)
[select torrent]: 0
copying magnet for My Query Torrent from thepiratebay to clipboard ... ✔

You can also select multiple torrents at the same time by passing a comma separated list of ranges you wish to select!

$ torvend search "my query"
   0 ➜ 1234123412341234123412341234@thepiratebay My Query Torrent (1234, 1)
   1 ➜ 1234123412341234123412341235@thepiratebay Another Torrent (1232, 1)
   2 ➜ 1234123412341234123412341236@1337x Interesting Torrent (10, 1)
   3 ➜ 1234123412341234123412341237@thepiratebay Some Other Torrent (8, 1)
   4 ➜ 1234123412341234123412341238@torlock My Query Torrent (1, 0)
[select torrent]: 0,2-4
opening magnet for My Query Torrent from thepiratebay ... ✔
opening magnet for Interesting Torrent from 1337x ... ✔
opening magnet for Some Other Torrent from thepiratebay ... ✔
opening magnet for My Query Torrent from torlock ... ✔

When using the --copy flag, multiple selected magnets are joined by newlines before they are copied to the clipboard.

If instead you want to pipe the magnet of the highest seeded torrent to stdout, you can run this:

$ torvend search -b "my query"

This is useful for piping magnet links into other command line applications. For example, imagine you want to stream a public domain video to your desktop. This can be done using webtorrent and mpv by running this:

$ torvend -q search -b "a video" | webtorrent --mpv


You can refine your torrent search by using the --allowed and --ignored options accepted by the search command. These options allow you to specify a list of spiders (delimited by commas) to either utilize or not utilize.

$ torvend search --allowed thepiratebay,1337x "my query"
$ torvend search --ignored limetorrents "my query"


Using both the --allowed and --ignored flags in the same command is not permitted. This is because it doesn’t make any sense to only allow a certain subset of spiders to execute and ignore the others (because the allowed subset implicitly ensures this).

You can also refine the number of torrent suggestions displayed to you by using the --results option. This will limit you to a maximum number of torrent suggestions amoung all of the torrents scraped by the spiders.

$ torvend search --results 10 "my query"
... <=10 results ...

The format results are displayed to you can also be customized by using the --format option. This option takes a string containing format parameters for the Torrent item fields.

For example, if I wanted to only display the name, seeders, and leechers of discovered torrents, I would run this:

$ torvend search --format "{name} ({seeders}, {leechers})" "my query"
 0 ➜ My Query Torrent (1234, 1)

You can also customize the color of specific fields by using the fore, back, and style objects in your format.

$ torvend search --format "{style.BOLD}{name}{style.RESET} ({fore.GREEN}{seeders}{style.RESET}, {leechers})" "my query"
 0 ➜ My Query Torrent (1234, 1)

For more information on what colors and styles are available click here.